Incest, rape, coercion and exploitation is the hash reality of life for score of young schoolgirls in Munsieville today. And when they become pregnant, which many do, its likely that their family will reject them; the father of the unborn baby will flee; and school will come to an abrupt end, raising the prospect of life-long poverty.
Many girls in this situation are as young as thirteen years, and are now utterly alone, trying to work out how to survive. For some, they resort to a dangerous "back street abortion", often with tragic consequences. Others try to hide their condition until the baby is born, and then abandon the infant on a rubbish dump. And some can see no hope and take their own lives.

Along with our partner organisations in Munsieviille, we are committed to do whatever it takes to reverse a culture of sexualisation of children which has developed over many years in the township, and in similar places across South Africa. It will take years of dedicated campaigning, but in the meantime, we've pledged to ensure that no girl in Munsieville, finding herself pregnant, or at risk of pregnancy, has to walk through the experience alone.
We have launched our "GA O NOSI LOUNGE" in the heart of the township's informal settlement - a sprawling squatter camp that is home to thousands. The Setswana phrase "Ga O Nosi" means "Never Alone", and the Lounge is a dedicated place of safety and care, with support workers, intercessors, and a broad network of external partner organisation who can assist with health, legal protection, adoption, education, family advocacy and other services that will be vital in seeing that a terrible situation is not the end, but possibly the beginning of a much more promising future.
We have sufficient funds for this project for the coming few weeks, but need to make this initiative a long-term service, available until it is no longer needed. If you would like to contribute to its future, please go to . Remarkably, this incredible service costs less that £40 per day!
