In the UK and across the world, families are getting geared up to Christmas, and looking forward to gifts aplenty and a feast fit for a king.
For thousands of shack-dwellers in Munsieville township, the norm for Christmas is very different. No special food (and for many, hardly any food at all); no gifts; and no celebrations - just the daily grind of keeping alive.
But with the Root and Branch Change LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS Christmas Mission, this Christmas will be like no other. Lots of special events in the days leading up to Christmas Day, and then, on the 25th, massive celebrations, including a banquet for 500+ of the poorest children in the community. And then, they'll be going home with food for their entire household!
So how is this possible? With generous support from donors in the UK, partner organisations like The Thoughtful Path Munsieville, a host of willing volunteers, and wonderful donations including 20 tons of delicious food from our amazing friends at
Checkers/Shoprite - one of the biggest supermarket chains in South Africa!
