Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop, one said, "Anyone who believes it's possible to be too small to make a difference has never shared a sleeping bag with a mosquito".
Over the last few days whilst here in Munsieville Township near Johannesburg, along with my awesome colleagues, Betty, Anette and Gladys, I have had the privilege of having my world rocked by these three tiny little triplet sisters, born 17 months ago, but still weighing no more than a mid-size newborn, due to devastating, poverty-induced malnutrition.
As I write this, they are in hospital just down the road from my lodgings, gradually gaining a few grams and fighting for their lives.
It is clear that Root and Branch Change, and our partners, The Thoughtful Path Charity, are making a difference in their lives, but these three beautiful little girls are changing our lives more, compelling us to redouble our efforts to develop, and roll out, a new, in-depth programme to revolutionise the support given to new parents, many in their teens, trying to raise children in slum homes with no water or sanitation, dirt floors and a rusty tin roof that does nothing to protect against the heavy, rainy-season storms.
There are countless more malnourished children in Munsieville and I call upon the churches of the township to start praying with their eyes open, - open to the pain and suffering just meters from their church doors.
